With the coming of spring, it's time to start thinking about getting your boat ready for the water. It's a little more organized if you use a helpful checklist. There's one in my Boat Log & Record. Take a look (click on Boat Log & Record on the right).
BREE'S BLOG: In The Wake of the Fitzgerald
say goodbye littleguy
November 19, 2015

The author's Sidekick with late wife Loris and Persistence on trailer on their way northward to launch into Canadian waters for an ultra stormy voyage in Wake of the Green Storm.
Sadly enough, the little "Japanese Jeep", a 1992 Suzuki Sidekick, is now going into retirement. Though the "Kick" starts well even in deepest winter, runs well in all weather conditions around Lake Superior, and has been kept up well and lovingly mechanically, it has finally fallen to the inevitable Minnesota flower, rust. There are rust issues in the body and frame and after a final inspection, the little guy just wasn't able to tow a boat anymore. I hardly ever use it, anyway, with its 5 on the floor stickshift and ny slow recovery from a total knee transplant. So it is going to a new home. Goodbye, little friend. I will miss you. Read More
Race around the world for real : The Vendee Globe
November 11, 2015
The Vendee Globe around the world race will run again in 2016 and it is the world's toughest sailboat race. Dead on the Wind is fiction based on that race, but the elements remain the same: a solo sailor, unassisted, sailing a 60-foot sailboat, alone, around the world in all conditions, including storms and high seas. Lots of action in the Roaring 40s and Furious 50s. You can see some of the historic background by clicking on Dead on the Wind. Read More
build your own boat, sorta
November 6, 2015
When you're a boater and boat builder, sometimes it's just fun to do something a little different. In Boat Tips you'll find a step by step set of plan so that you can easily build a toy paper boat that actually sails. This is great for kids.
Not so fast, please!
October 31, 2015
Some readers of my new thriller Dead on the Wind report reading the novel in a single evening! This is astounding, for it tells me that the reader is really interested and that the book is well enough constructed, with enough resonance, to hold a reader's attention from the first to the last page. Read More
What to do?
July 29, 2015
After writing Dead on the Wind and watching it go up on the charts, I am at a crossroads. What shall I write next? A thriller that keeps sailors awake all night? A true tale of outrageous adventure? Humor? What would you do? Eh?
Link to StarTrib article is below
June 26, 2015
Look at the bottom right of this page to click on a link to the StarTrib article on Marlin's sailing adventure during the "storm of the century" on Lake Superior -- the July 4, 1999 rare progressive derecho that decimated millions of trees and then came out on Lake Superior and hit his small sailboat.
Marlin's StarTrib article
June 19, 2015
You really could not miss the article. Or at least I couldn't: there on the top of the front page of the Minneapolis Star Tribune was an announcement of the feature. On the cover page of the Outdoors section was the artwork of Persistence and myself followed by my first person account of my Read More
Storm story coming up in StarTrib
June 11, 2015
I'm looking forward to June 19 (Friday) when the StarTribune, Minneapolis, runs a story on my storm experiences July 4, 1999 (also known as the infamous Green Storm) in its Outdoors section. The storm I had my little boat out in on Lake Superior turned out to be a rare, progressive derecho -- a bad one with extremely high winds. You can check out more about this storm by clicking on "Wake of the Green Storm." Read More
Dead on the Wind -- it's off and running
May 9, 2015
The new mystery novel based on past events in the Vendee Globe around the world race is now in bookstores and widely available just about everywhere on the internet. It's coming on strong, with heavy discounts at Amazon.com, where the best-sellers are priced at only $3.82 for a Kindle download. Wow.